CORE - Using a Dataset
Dedicated code in Core/Dataset module.
DeepPhysX comes with its own Dataset management system, using the features from the SSD library.
The synthetic data produced in Environments is stored on a Database that is in a dedicated repository named
in the training session.
Data is stored as partitions: these partitions correspond to the different Dataset modes (training data, test data,
prediction data) and can be multiple for each data field in order not to exceed the maximum size of the current amount
of loaded data.
Each partition will have a unique name: <session_name>_<dataset_mode>_<field>_<index>.npy
When adding a batch to the Dataset, a new partition is created for each data field if the current Dataset size
exceeds the threshold.
The batch is then appended to the Dataset for each data field.
Default Dataset fields are inputs and outputs, but users can define any data field from Environment
(see dedicated section).
Each field must always be filled at each batch.
A dataset.json
file gathers information about the produced dataset and normalization coefficients if the
normalization is applied.
When loading data from an existing Dataset, the partitions are loaded and can be accessed randomly or not among the whole set of partitions.
A Dataset is almost always used in DeepPhysX pipelines and requires a DatasetConfig.
This Configuration object role is to bring together all the options to configure the Dataset and to create it with
Here is a description of attributes related to Dataset configuration.
Path to an existing Dataset repository if this repository needs to be loaded or completed. |
Maximum size (in Gb) of the total Dataset object. |
Specify the Dataset mode between “Training”, “Validation” and “Running”. |
If True, normalization parameters are computed from training data and applied to any loaded data. |
Specify if the loading order is random or not (True by default). |
See following example:
# Import DatasetConfig
from DeepPhysX_Core.Database.BaseDatabaseConfig import BaseDatabaseConfig
# Create the config
database_config = BaseDatabaseConfig(max_file_size=1,