CORE - Using a Visualizer
Dedicated code in Core/Visualizer module.
How to use
DeepPhysX provides a visualization tool written with Vedo (a Python library based on Numpy and VTK) called VedoVisualizer, using the implementation form the SSD library. This Visualizer brings several advantages:
Users can add any component of the simulation in the Visualizer;
This Visualizer is compatible with every Pipeline;
Parallel running Environments are rendered in the same window with sub-windows;
A Factory is created with each Environment so that users can access templates to define visualization data.
Objects are created using the add_<object>
methods of the Factory in the Environment.
These methods require the fields detailed above (common fields and object-specific fields).
These objects must be added in the init_visualization
method of the Environment, which is automatically called to
create the objects within the Factory.
Objects are updated using the update_<object>
methods of the Factory in the Environment.
These methods require the object index (indices follow the order of creation) and a the updated data fields.
The Factory will only use templates to create an updated objects dictionary which must be sent with the request
to update the view.
Configuring a Visualizer is very simple, since the only option to change is the visualizer
field in the
If set to None, no Visualizer will be created, even if the Environment uses its Factory to create and update
visualization data.
It must be set to VedoVisualizer to activate the visualization tool.
See following example:
# Import EnvironmentConfig and Visualizer
from DeepPhysX_Core.Environment.BaseEnvironmentConfig import BaseEnvironmentConfig
from DeepPhysX_Core.Visualization.VedoVisualizer import VedoVisualizer
# Create the config
env_config = BaseEnvironmentConfig(environment_class=MyEnvironment,