from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
import Sofa
from SSD.core.database import Database as CoreDatabase
from SSD.sofa.utils import error_message
class Database(Sofa.Core.Controller, CoreDatabase):
def __init__(self,
root: Sofa.Core.Node,
database_dir: str = '',
database_name: str = 'runSofa',
*args, **kwargs):
Manage the creation and loading of Tables in the Database.
User interface to dynamically add, get and update entries.
Additional callbacks to automatically get sofa objects Data.
:param root: Root node of the scene graph.
:param database_dir: Directory which contains the Database file.
:param database_name: Name of the Database file.
Sofa.Core.Controller.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Add the Database controller to the scene graph
self.root: Sofa.Core.Node = root
self.__callbacks: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[Sofa.Core.Object, str]]] = {}
self.__dirty: Dict[str, bool] = {}
self.__path: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
def add_callback(self,
table_name: str,
field_name: str,
record_object: str,
record_field: str):
Add a callback on an object Data field. If the specified Table or Field does not exist, create them.
:param table_name: Name of the Table.
:param field_name: Name of the Field.
:param record_object: Path to the sofa object in the scene graph from root node ('@child_node.object_name').
:param record_field: The name of the Data field to record.
# Check Table existence
table_name = self.make_name(table_name)
if table_name not in self.get_tables():
# Check the path
if record_object[0] != '@' or len(record_object[1:].split('.')) == 0:
error_message(f"You must give the absolute path to the object to record. "
f"The path '{record_object}' must be defined such as '@child_node.object_name'.")
# Access each child node
node: Sofa.Core.Node = self.root
child_nodes = record_object[1:].split('.')[:-1]
if len(child_nodes) > 0 and child_nodes[0] == node.getName():
for child_node in child_nodes:
if child_node not in node.children:
node_path = f'{self.root.getName()}{node.getPathName()}'
error_message(f"The node '{child_node}' is not a child of '{node_path}'. "
f"Available children are {[n.getName() for n in node.children]}.")
node = node.getChild(child_node)
# Access object
object_name = record_object[1:].split('.')[-1]
if object_name not in node.objects:
node_path = f'{self.root.getName()}{node.getPathName()}'
error_message(f"The object '{object_name} does not belong to node '{node_path}'. "
f"Available objects are {[o.getName() for o in node.objects]}.")
obj: Sofa.Core.Object = node.getObject(object_name)
# Check Data access and get Data type
if (data := obj.getData(record_field)) is None:
error_message(f"The object {obj.getName()} does not have a '{field_name}' Data field.")
data_type = type(data.value)
# Check Field existence
if field_name not in self.get_fields(table_name=table_name):
fields=(field_name, data_type))
# Register the object
if table_name not in self.__callbacks:
self.__callbacks[table_name] = {}
self.__path[table_name] = {}
if field_name in self.__callbacks[table_name]:
error_message(f"The Field '{field_name}' in Table '{table_name}' is already associated with an object.")
self.__callbacks[table_name][field_name] = (obj, record_field)
self.__path[table_name][field_name] = f'@root.{record_object[1:]}.{record_field}'
def onAnimateBeginEvent(self, _):
At the beginning of a time step.
# Reset all the dirty flags
self.__dirty = {table: False for table in self.get_tables()}
def onAnimateEndEvent(self, _):
At the end of a time step.
# Execute all callbacks
for table_name in self.__callbacks:
data = {}
for field_name, (record_object, record_field) in self.__callbacks[table_name].items():
data[field_name] = record_object.getData(record_field).value
self.add_data(table_name=table_name, data=data)
# If a Table was not updated, add an empty line (keep one line per time step)
for table_name, dirty in self.__dirty.items():
if not dirty:
self.add_data(table_name, data={})
def add_data(self,
table_name: str,
data: Dict[str, Any]):
Execute a line insert query.
:param table_name: Name of the Table.
:param data: New line of the Table.
table_name = self.make_name(table_name)
# If the Table was already edited during the time then update it (keep one line per time step)
if self.__dirty[table_name]:
self.update(table_name=table_name, data=data)
# Otherwise, create a new line
self.__dirty[table_name] = True
CoreDatabase.add_data(self, table_name=table_name, data=data)
def print_architecture(self):
Print the content of the Database with Table(s), Field(s) and connected sofa objects.
print(f'\nDATABASE {self.__database_name}.db')
for name, table in self.get_tables(only_names=False).items():
info = table.description(indent=True, name=name).split('\n')
for i, line in enumerate(info[1:-1]):
field_name = line.split('-')[1].split(' ')[1]
if name in self.__callbacks:
if field_name in self.__callbacks[name]:
info[i + 1] = line + f' --> {self.__path[name][field_name]}'
for i in range(len(info) - 2):
info[i] += '\n'