- class SSD.sofa.database.Database(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]
- __init__(root: Sofa.Core.Node, database_dir: str = '', database_name: str = 'runSofa', *args, **kwargs)[source]
Manage the creation and loading of Tables in the Database. User interface to dynamically add, get and update entries. Additional callbacks to automatically get sofa objects Data.
- Parameters:
root – Root node of the scene graph.
database_dir – Directory which contains the Database file.
database_name – Name of the Database file.
- add_callback(table_name: str, field_name: str, record_object: str, record_field: str)[source]
Add a callback on an object Data field. If the specified Table or Field does not exist, create them.
- Parameters:
table_name – Name of the Table.
field_name – Name of the Field.
record_object – Path to the sofa object in the scene graph from root node (‘@child_node.object_name’).
record_field – The name of the Data field to record.